A. This course is offered in Fall and Spring semesters ONLY. Students who plan to apply for graduation in Winter or Summer terms should pass this course in the prior Fall or Spring semester.
A. Since you are on exchange and not enrolled in FINA 3001, in general no credits can be earned. So you may have to earn the points when you are back to UST.
A. There can be no double counting for the course work. So FINA 3830 cannot be counted as Learning activities in FINA 3001.
A. FINA 3001 is not offered in summer/winter terms. But the activities you did in these terms can be counted in the following semester that you are enrolled in.
A. If students are enrolled in FINA 3001 in Fall term, the immediate past Summer term is counted. If students are enrolled in FINA 3001 in Spring term, the immediate past Winter term is counted.
A. All fields will be counted. We encourage interdisciplinary experience.
A. Yes, you will need to, as FINA 3001 is a FINA major graduation requirement.
A. For online workshops/seminars, only those offered by HKUST units will be counted towards Learning activities, and a maximum of 3 hours (3 points) for the online seminar/webinar during Spring and Summer 2020 can be claimed. Students must use their ITSC to register for and login to join the whole session. After completion of the workshop, students are required to submit the assessment form (NO host signature is required) on Canvas. Topics related to business/technology or personal development are all fine.
A. To pass the course, students are required to:
1. Earned at least 30 points for the total course
2. Earned 4-10 points in Learning
3. Earned 4-10 points in Engagement
4. Earned 10-20 points in Apply and Practice
A. As this course requires acquiring more advanced skills and experience after your enrollment into FINA major, only activities during your enrollment period will be counted.
A. Yes, these will be counted as “Engagement” activities.
A. In general, activities beyond the third semester (starting from the fourth semester) of your study will be counted. As FINA 3001 is for students to further engage and develop their skills in their senior years (year 3 and 4), so at the most we can only accept activities in the fourth semester. You may have your committee member's contribution in the 4th semester counted. In that case, please specify the roles and activities that you were involved in during your 4th semester.
A. Students can rejoin the competition, but it must be for other topics, or with significant changes and updates on the work chosen last time. The maximum points students can earn would be 20 in Apply and Practice.
A. Yes. For courses with assessment, we will count 1 point for each contact hour and up to 10 points in Learn.
A. Yes. You will be pre-registered in the course once you are FINA major.
A. Yes, the 1 credit will only show up in the first semester that you enroll in this course. Afterwards, it will show as 0 credit till you pass the course.