Learning in seminars and workshops that are conducted by business executives in order to gain insights in current and real-world finance topics; learning in skill-building seminars and hands-on events, such as resume workshops, mock interviews, and mentoring in order to develop the professional identity.

Students need to earn at least 4 points but not more than 10 points in this category. In general, each hour of recognized activity will earn 1 point unless otherwise specified.


Recognized Activities Supporting Documents
  • Seminars and workshops on current business topics conducted by professionals or business executives, either on campus or off-campus. 
  • Technical training such as Morningstar certificate, Blockchain analytics, etc. These training will earn higher points and will be determined on a case by case basis. 
  • Hands-on workshops relevant to personal and professional identity development such as resume writing, etc. 



Full set of the following:

  • Announcement (e.g. Poster, e-flyer, email, etc.)
  • Registration Confirmation (e.g. email, etc.)
  • Attendance Proof with actual duration (e.g. Certificate of Attendance, email, etc.)


Note: Attending recruitment seminars does not count.